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Not Buying Clothes For A Year

I have decided to personally challenge myself to not spend a dime on new clothing for 365 days. "Why?" you may ask. Well, I'm really fascinated with saving money these days. I have never been a good saver, and this is why I wanted to start this blog as well, in order to keep myself accountable.

I always envied my best friend's ability to save money as a child. Granted, she had a larger extended family that gave her ten dollars here and there, but what I admired the most about her was her ability to have an item in mind and actually save up enough to buy it, when I would spend each coin that came my way at my local 7-11. Even now, I can look into my closet full of fast-fashion items that are a reflection of trends that literally ended the moment I clicked "Add to Cart" and wonder where I went wrong.

But I'm learning along the way as well. Most minimalist capsule wardrobes insist on buying "quality" functional items in neutral colors. I disagree. A white t-shirt bought for $500 will still get armpit stains. I also cannot afford to buy quality items and still save either, no matter how ethical it is. So what I've decided is to make do. I don't have a lot of clothing, either. Most people I have seen do this challenge complain that they don't even know what they own anymore and have many items in their closets with the tags still attached! What a life.

But I think this challenge can apply to anyone. Be a cartoon character and wear the same thing every day if you have to. Look at Simon Cowell and Steve Jobs, for instance. Each throwaway Forever 21 purchase ranging from $40-100 could have easily been put away into savings for an emergency fund and eventually an investment contribution. So I've decided to do just that.

What is most difficult for me is the habit of browsing retail websites in my spare time. Most of the time I didn't even buy anything, it was just a way to keep myself occupied when I returned home from work or school. I found it relaxing and almost therapeutic like a dream board or something similar. So instead, I'm going to channel all that time and energy into doing something more productive, like learning French, blogging, or making YouTube videos.

I hope I can inspire one person to do the same as well. What I've learned most is that momentarily adding items to my cart and my life has not been money and time well spent. And with the money I do save I plan on spending it on French lessons and eventually visiting Montreal.

I have decided to take you all along with me on my personal development quest. I hope you can stick around for the ride.

