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Showing posts from 2017

Not Buying Clothes For A Year

I have decided to personally challenge myself to not spend a dime on new clothing for 365 days. "Why?" you may ask. Well, I'm really fascinated with saving money these days. I have never been a good saver, and this is why I wanted to start this blog as well, in order to keep myself accountable. I always envied my best friend's ability to save money as a child. Granted, she had a larger extended family that gave her ten dollars here and there, but what I admired the most about her was her ability to have an item in mind and actually save up enough to buy it, when I would spend each coin that came my way at my local 7-11. Even now, I can look into my closet full of fast-fashion items that are a reflection of trends that literally ended the moment I clicked "Add to Cart" and wonder where I went wrong. But I'm learning along the way as well. Most minimalist capsule wardrobes insist on buying "quality" functional items in neutral colors. I di